
Race Day: A Journey of Determination and Triumph

Race day is not just about the physical challenge—it’s a culmination of weeks, or even months, of training, anticipation, and mental preparation. Whether you are a seasoned marathon runner or a first-time racer, the emotions and experiences of race day are profound and transformative. Here’s a detailed look into what encompasses the race day experience, from dawn till the crossing of the finish line.

final preparation, race day

Pre-Race Preparations

Race day preparations often commence well before the actual event begins, with many runners starting their routine the night before or at the crack of dawn. Ensuring that everything from the race kit to nutrition is meticulously prepared is paramount. Runners routinely check their gear, secure their bib numbers, lay out their clothes, and assemble their nutrition packs. A vital addition to these preparations is ensuring that any electronic devices, such as sports watches or heart rate monitors, are fully charged. These devices are crucial for tracking pace, distance, and heart rate, serving as valuable tools during the race.

Engaging in pre-race rituals is also common among runners. These rituals might include stretching, a brief jog, or mental visualization exercises to calm nerves and set a focused mindset for the race. Arriving early at the race venue is crucial—it allows time to acclimatize to the environment, check in, and perform a comprehensive warm-up.

At the starting line, the atmosphere is charged with a mix of nervous energy and palpable excitement. Runners from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life come together, united by the common objective of pushing their limits and setting personal records. This shared determination creates a unique bond among participants, adding to the exhilarating mood as they await the start signal.

The Starting Line

As runners line up at the starting line, the air buzzes with anticipation. There’s a brief moment of silence just before the start, where many runners take a deep breath and focus on the challenge ahead. Then, the sound of the starting signal breaks the calm, and the crowd surges forward. The first few kilometers are often about finding your pace and settling into the race, maneuvering through the pack and adjusting strategies based on how you feel.

The Mental and Physical Battle

Mid-race is where the mental and physical challenges truly set in. For longer races, maintaining pace while managing energy reserves is crucial. Runners listen keenly to their bodies, adjusting pace to avoid burning out too soon. Water stations and cheering spectators provide brief but welcome relief during these tough stretches.

Mental toughness is just as important as physical stamina. Runners often reach a point where mental barriers seem as daunting as physical ones. Overcoming these barriers with positive self-talk and focusing on mini-goals can make the difference between a strong finish and falling short of one’s goals.

The Final Stretch

The last few kilometers of the race are both the most challenging and exhilarating. The finish line is close enough to push for, yet far enough to demand a final reserve of energy. This is when the crowd’s cheers become louder, and the music more uplifting. For many runners, it’s an emotional release as they summon all their remaining strength for a final sprint.

Crossing the finish line is a moment of immense relief and pride. There’s a profound sense of accomplishment, coupled with exhaustion and, often, a desire to reflect on the experience. The medley of feelings is overwhelming: joy, relief, fatigue, and already the burgeoning thought of the next challenge.

Post-Race Reflections

After crossing the finish line, runners go through recovery, often greeted by friends, family, and fellow runners. There’s an exchange of stories, sharing of experiences, and mutual congratulations. Post-race activities might include stretching, refueling, and sometimes medical checks. The day ends with a celebration of the spirit of running, personal achievements, and the community.

Race day is more than just another run. It is a test of endurance, willpower, and passion, encapsulated in hours of intense physical and mental effort. For many, it is a transformative experience that reshapes boundaries and enhances self-understanding. Each race is a story of personal victory and communal celebration, a narrative that each runner carries with them long after the day is done.

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Essential Tips to Prepare for the Helsinki Marathon

Hello, fellow runners! Are you gearing up for the BMW Helsinki Marathon on August 24, 2024, and feeling a mix of excitement and nerves? You’re not alone! As someone who’s been through the highs and lows of marathon training, I know exactly what you’re going through. In this blog post, we’re diving into some essential tips to help you prepare for this iconic race. From navigating the picturesque yet challenging course to fine-tuning your nutrition and gear, I’ve got you covered. So, lace up your running shoes and let’s get started on making your Helsinki Marathon experience unforgettable!

Have you ever wondered what makes the Helsinki Marathon so special? Maybe it’s the stunning coastal views, the vibrant city atmosphere, or the thrill of crossing the finish line after months of hard work. Whatever your motivation, this guide is here to ensure you’re fully prepped and pumped for race day. Stick around, because by the end of this post, you’ll feel more confident and ready to tackle those 42.2 km with a smile on your face. Let’s dive in and start this journey together!

My preparation for Helsinki Marathon

When it comes to preparing for the Helsinki Marathon, I’ve found that a balanced approach works best for me. My training plan focuses heavily on volume to ensure that I can finish the marathon strong. By gradually increasing my weekly mileage, I’m able to build the endurance necessary for those grueling 42.2 kilometers. But let’s be real—running alone can get monotonous, which is why I incorporate cross-training into my regimen. Whether it’s swimming, which I swear by (check out my post on Swimming for Runners), or indoor cycling, variety keeps my workouts fresh and engaging.

Here’s a breakdown of what my typical training week looks like:

  • Monday: Rest or light yoga for flexibility.
  • Tuesday: Interval training (5-6 miles).
  • Wednesday: Cross-training (swimming or cycling).
  • Thursday: Tempo run (8-10 miles).
  • Friday: Rest or easy run (3-4 miles).
  • Saturday: Long run (15-20 miles).
  • Sunday: Cross-training or active recovery.

By mixing in different forms of exercise, I’m not only avoiding the risk of overuse injuries but also keeping my motivation high. Plus, cross-training activities like swimming and cycling help to strengthen different muscle groups that are crucial for running efficiency. If you’re curious about how to level up your cross-training game, especially indoor cycling, my post on Zwift workouts is a must-read. Trust me, the variety will make all the difference when you hit those tough stretches of your marathon training.

Optimal Nutrition Strategies for Marathon Day

Your nutrition strategy can make or break your performance. Have you ever wondered why some runners hit the dreaded ‘wall’ while others breeze through to the finish line? The secret often lies in how well they’ve fueled their bodies. To ensure you have the energy to power through those 42.2 km, let’s talk about the optimal nutrition strategies you should follow on race day. First off, start your morning with a balanced breakfast that includes a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and a bit of fat. Think oatmeal topped with bananas and a spoonful of peanut butter, or a whole-grain bagel with a side of Greek yogurt. These foods will provide you with sustained energy without weighing you down.

Hydration is just as crucial. Did you know that even a small level of dehydration can significantly impact your performance? Make sure to drink water regularly in the days leading up to the marathon. On race day, aim to drink about 16-20 ounces of water two hours before the start. During the race, take advantage of the water stations, even if you don’t feel thirsty. If you’re unsure how much to drink, a good rule of thumb is to consume about 4-6 ounces every 20 minutes. And don’t forget about electrolytes! Consider sipping on a sports drink or carrying electrolyte tablets to keep your levels balanced. For more tips on staying hydrated, check out my post on summer training and hydration.

As you approach the final week before the marathon, start incorporating more carbohydrates into your meals. This practice, known as carb-loading, helps to maximize your glycogen stores, which are essential for endurance events. Aim to get about 70% of your daily calories from carbs. Pasta, rice, potatoes, and fruits are excellent choices. And if you’re looking for a protein boost to aid muscle recovery, consider adding whey protein to your diet. I’ve written about the benefits of whey protein for runners, and it could be a game-changer for you.

Remember, everyone’s body reacts differently, so it’s essential to test your nutrition plan during your training runs. This way, you’ll know exactly what works best for you and avoid any race-day surprises. Stick to familiar foods and drinks that your body is used to, and you’ll set yourself up for marathon success. Good luck, and I’ll see you at the finish line!

Essential Gear for the Helsinki Marathon

When it comes to preparing for the Helsinki Marathon, having the right gear can make all the difference. Picture this: you’re cruising along the beautiful coastal paths, the fresh sea breeze in your hair, and the last thing you want is to be distracted by uncomfortable shoes or a watch that’s not up to par. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to gear up properly. So, what should you be wearing and carrying on race day? Let’s break it down.

First off, your running shoes are arguably the most important piece of gear. If you haven’t already, invest in a pair that offers the right balance of cushioning and support for your stride. I’ve personally found the Hoka Carbon X3 to be a game-changer, offering both comfort and performance over long distances. Next, consider your running attire. Opt for moisture-wicking fabrics to stay dry and comfortable—trust me, there’s nothing worse than chafing halfway through the race! For your tech needs, the Apple Watch Ultra has been a reliable companion for me, providing real-time stats and keeping me motivated with its sleek design and functionality.

Don’t forget the little things that can make a big difference. Compression socks can help reduce muscle fatigue, and a good running belt will keep your essentials like gels, a phone, and keys secure without bouncing around. Hydration is key, so consider a handheld water bottle or a hydration vest, especially if you prefer sipping water throughout the race rather than relying solely on the water stations. And finally, sunscreen and a good pair of sunglasses will protect you from the sun’s rays, ensuring you can focus on the race and enjoy those stunning Helsinki views. Gear up wisely, and you’ll be that much closer to an unforgettable marathon experience!

Travel, run and enjoy

Have you ever thought about how marathons can be a gateway to exploring new places and immersing yourself in different cultures? Running the Helsinki Marathon is not just about the race itself; it’s also a fantastic opportunity to travel, meet new people, and experience the local Finnish culture. Picture this: after months of training, you’re not only crossing the finish line but also discovering the scenic beauty of Helsinki, enjoying its vibrant atmosphere, and savoring local delicacies. It’s a win-win situation where you get to combine your passion for running with the joy of travel.

For instance, when I participated in the Vilnius Half Marathon, it wasn’t just about the race. It was also about exploring the historic city of Vilnius, its architecture, and its rich history. Similarly, the Cyprus Marathon offered a unique blend of running along beautiful coastlines while soaking in the Mediterranean culture. The Helsinki Marathon can provide a similar enriching experience. Here are a few tips to make the most out of your marathon travel:

  • Plan Ahead: Research the local attractions, food, and events happening around the marathon date. This way, you can plan your itinerary to include sightseeing and relaxation post-race.
  • Connect with Locals: Join local running groups or forums to get insider tips on the best places to visit, eat, and unwind. Locals can offer valuable insights that you won’t find in typical travel guides.
  • Embrace the Culture: Take some time to learn about Finnish customs and traditions. Whether it’s trying a traditional sauna or sampling some Finnish cuisine, these experiences will make your trip even more memorable.

Combining your marathon goals with travel adventures not only enriches your experience but also provides a mental boost. Knowing that you’ll be exploring a new place can serve as a great motivator during those tough training runs. So, as you prepare for the Helsinki Marathon, remember that it’s more than just a race. It’s an opportunity to travel, run, and truly enjoy everything this beautiful city has to offer. Happy running and happy travels!

Mental Preparation for Marathon Success

Preparing mentally for a marathon is just as crucial as the physical training, especially for a race as iconic as the Helsinki Marathon. Picture this: it’s the morning of August 24, 2024, and you’re standing at the starting line, feeling a blend of excitement and nerves. The key to transforming those jitters into positive energy lies in your mental preparation. One of the first steps is visualization. Take some time each day to imagine yourself running the course, soaking in the stunning coastal views, and feeling the vibrant city atmosphere. Visualizing your success can significantly boost your confidence and keep you focused on race day.

Another essential aspect of mental preparation is setting realistic goals. It’s important to have a clear and achievable target in mind. Whether it’s completing the marathon within a specific time or simply crossing the finish line, having a goal will help you stay motivated throughout your training. Additionally, practice positive self-talk. Replace any negative thoughts with affirmations like, “I am strong,” “I am prepared,” and “I can do this.” This simple shift in mindset can make a world of difference when you’re pushing through those tough miles. Don’t forget to also prepare for the unexpected. Have a mental strategy for dealing with potential setbacks, whether it’s a sudden change in weather or an unexpected cramp. Being mentally ready for these challenges will help you stay calm and focused, no matter what race day throws at you.

Lastly, remember to enjoy the journey. Marathon training is a long and often grueling process, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and take time to appreciate the beautiful moments along the way. After all, the Helsinki Marathon is not just about the race itself; it’s about the entire experience, from the first training run to the moment you cross the finish line. Embrace the highs, learn from the lows, and keep your eyes on the prize. You’ve got this!

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Running Through History: The Vilnius Half Marathon Experience

I recently had the incredible opportunity to run the Vilnius Half Marathon, held on May 25, 2024, in the stunning capital of Lithuania. As a travel and running enthusiast, I make it a point to combine my love for both in each trip. Arriving three days before the event, I immersed myself in the city’s rich culture and history, setting the stage for a truly memorable race experience.

Pre-Race Exploration

Vilnius, a city steeped in history and bursting with a vibrant cultural tapestry, offered the perfect backdrop for my pre-race exploration. Known for its stunning blend of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical architecture, the city feels like a walk through a living museum. My visits to iconic landmarks began with the Gediminas Castle Tower, an emblematic symbol of Vilnius’s historical and cultural significance. From its summit, I was treated to breathtaking panoramic views that spanned the entire old town, a mosaic of terracotta roofs and spires that seemed to tell stories of the past.

Vilnius old city

Race Day Experience: A Journey Through Vilnius

The Vilnius Half Marathon was more than a mere race; it was a profound celebration of endurance, community, and the rich tapestry of Vilnius’ history. The preparation went into my training for this event, involving a structured regimen of long runs, interval training, and careful nutrition planning to ensure I was in peak condition to take on the 21-kilometer challenge. As the race day approached, my anticipation grew, not just for the physical test but for the cultural immersion that awaited.

The racecourse itself was a thoughtfully curated tour of the city’s heritage, blending the old with the new. It began in the vibrant heart of the city center, bustling with morning activities, and soon transitioned into a labyrinth of quaint, cobbled lanes that whispered tales of the medieval era under the shadow of historic architecture. The route offered a stark contrast as it unfolded into the wide, modern avenues that showcased the city’s contemporary spirit. Among the architectural gems on our path was the majestic Vilnius Cathedral, standing as a beacon of Lithuanian pride, and the lively Pilies Street, a hub of local culture with its vibrant cafes and unique artisan shops. This meticulously planned course not only challenged our physical limits but also connected us deeply with the soul of Vilnius, making every step a discovery and every mile a memory.

Culinary Delights: Savoring Vilnius

In the days leading up to the race, I indulged in the culinary offerings of Vilnius, which were as integral to my visit as the marathon itself. Lithuanian cuisine, with its rich flavors and hearty ingredients, was a delight. I particularly enjoyed cepelinai, large potato dumplings stuffed with meat, served with creamy sauces or sour cream—an ideal carb-load meal. Another favorite was šaltibarščiai, a refreshing cold beet soup that was perfect for the summer weather.

Each meal was an opportunity to engage with locals, who were eager to share stories about their food and its origins. The restaurants, often family-run, exuded a cozy charm, making each dining experience feel like a meal with family. From quaint cafes tucked away in alleys to bustling marketplaces offering fresh, local produce, Vilnius presented a palette that was as diverse as its landscape, ensuring that each meal was not just nourishing, but also a learning experience.

Vilnius half marathon starting

Cultural Immersion: Connecting with Lithuanian Heritage

The cultural vibrancy of Vilnius was on full display throughout my visit. The folk festivals were particularly mesmerizing. Attending these events allowed me to see traditional Lithuanian culture in action—dancers in colorful costumes performing ancient dances, musicians playing traditional instruments, and artisans showcasing their crafts. These festivals were more than just entertainment; they were a celebration of Lithuanian identity and heritage.

This immersion into the local culture provided a poignant counterbalance to the physical demands of the marathon. It was a reminder of the power of travel to not only challenge the body but also enrich the soul. Engaging with the local traditions and the people who preserve them offered a unique perspective on Lithuania, one that went beyond the typical tourist experience to foster a genuine connection with the place and its history. This deep dive into the cultural heart of Lithuania made the trip truly transformative, highlighting the unique bond between the physical journey of the marathon and the cultural journey through Lithuanian life.

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My Journey to the Vilnius Half Marathon 2024

As May 25, 2024, approaches, my excitement for the Vilnius Half Marathon grows. Not only is this event a chance to challenge myself in the beautiful capital of Lithuania, but it’s also a milestone in my running journey. Here’s a glimpse into how I’m gearing up for one of my biggest challenges yet, blending cross-training with dedicated running.

vilniaus half marathon preparation

Crafting a Balanced Training Program

My preparation for the Vilnius Half Marathon isn’t just about running; it’s about building endurance and strength without overtraining. Incorporating swimming and cycling into my routine helps enhance my cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of running-related injuries. Swimming is a fantastic low-impact exercise that improves my lung capacity and provides a full-body workout, while cycling boosts leg strength and stamina.

Why Cross-Training Works: Cross-training allows me to maintain a higher overall training volume without the stress that multiple long runs would impose on my body. By mixing swimming, biking, and running, I can stay physically balanced, which is crucial for reaching peak performance on race day. This varied training approach keeps each week exciting and challenging.

The Allure of Vilnius Half Marathon

The Vilnius Half Marathon offers runners a unique opportunity to explore the cobblestone charm of Vilnius while racing. The course winds through the historic old town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and along the banks of the Neris River, providing breathtaking views that juxtapose ancient architecture with vibrant city life.

Race Day Anticipation: As I visualize crossing the finish line, I’m also planning my race day strategy and logistics. The event is well-organized with plenty of hydration stations and enthusiastic crowd support, which makes it a favorite among local and international runners. I’m looking forward to experiencing the lively atmosphere and the supportive community that the Vilnius Half Marathon is known for.

Weekly Training Insights

Each week, I aim to hit a mix of high-intensity and low-intensity workouts. A typical week includes two swim sessions, two bike rides, and three runs, varying from tempo runs to long, slow distances. I use these workouts not only to build physical endurance but also to mentally prepare for the demands of race day.

Listening to My Body: The key to successful training is listening to my body and adjusting accordingly. Rest days are as vital as workout days, ensuring I recover adequately and avoid burnout. I also focus on nutrition, hydrating well, and getting enough sleep, all of which are crucial for maintaining high energy levels during training and on race day.

Connecting with Fellow Runners

As I train for the Vilnius Half Marathon, I’ve connected with fellow runners through online forums and local running clubs. Sharing tips, challenges, and experiences with others has been invaluable. It’s not just about competition; it’s about community and learning from each other.

Building a Support Network: These connections have formed a supportive network that motivates me every step of the way. We cheer each other on, share training plans, and even coordinate some of our long runs together. This community aspect of running is what makes the sport so special and keeps me inspired.

Training for the Vilnius Half Marathon is more than just a physical challenge; it’s a journey of personal growth and community connection. I look forward to sharing more of my experiences as I get closer to race day. Stay tuned for updates and wish me luck as I continue to prepare for this exciting event. Join me in embracing the challenges and celebrating the achievements along the way!

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Race Review: Cyprus Half Marathon

Review: Cyrpus marThis weekend, I ran the 25th Cyprus Half Marathon as part of my training for the upcoming Barcelona Marathon, and I have to say it was a unique experience. The race was well-organized, with water stations every 3km. However, the course was a bit monotonous with multiple turnarounds, some hills, and running in the middle of nowhere. Nevertheless, the race was worth it as it provided an opportunity to explore a new country and its culture. There were around 3,000 runners, and I managed to improve my time by 2 minutes compared to my previous half marathon in Barcelona, despite being around 8kg overweight. Overall, I would recommend this race to anyone looking to combine a holiday with a half marathon experience.

The starting line of the Cyprus half marathon is located at the ancient castle, a highly touristic and beautiful location in the city. The stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea, combined with the castle’s unique architecture, make it a perfect backdrop for the beginning of the race. It’s a great way to experience the local culture and history of Cyprus while also participating in a challenging athletic event. The energy and excitement at the starting line are palpable, and runners are sure to feel motivated and inspired to tackle the course ahead.

Start line cyprus half marathon

I ran the Cyprus half marathon wearing the Hoka One One Carbon X3, and it was an amazing experience. The shoes felt incredibly comfortable and light on my feet, and the cushioning provided just the right amount of support for the long-distance run. The Carbon X3 has a unique carbon fiber plate that helps with propulsion, which made a noticeable difference in my running stride. Overall, I was impressed with the shoes’ performance and would highly recommend them to any serious runner looking for a competitive edge.

people running the Cyprus half marathon

Despite the monotony of the course, the temperature was ideal with a strong wind that didn’t hinder the race. The course had a few uphill sections, but nothing too difficult. However, I wouldn’t recommend it to those who are looking to set a personal best due to the many turns and lack of variety in the terrain. Overall, it’s a great race for those who want to experience the beautiful scenery of Cyprus and enjoy a well-organized event.

medal of 25th cyprus half marathon

Cyprus, is a small island country located in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is the third-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and is known for its beautiful beaches, ancient ruins, and rich history. Cyprus has been inhabited since prehistoric times, and has been influenced by many different cultures throughout its history, including Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman.

Today, Cyprus is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year. It has a warm, Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters, making it an ideal place for outdoor activities like running, hiking, and swimming. The island is also famous for its delicious cuisine, which features a blend of Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern flavors.

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Cyprus Marathon and Half-marathon

So, I’m ramping up my training for the Barcelona Marathon and this weekend I’m taking on the logicomcyprusmarathon. This race is going to be a test for me because I hear the terrain is hilly and can be challenging. If you’re planning to run the Cyprus Marathon and Half-Marathon, make sure you incorporate hill training into your preparation, so you’re ready for the course.

The Cyprus Marathon and Half-Marathon takes place on the beautiful island of Cyprus and offers a unique and challenging course for runners of all levels. The route takes runners through historic landmarks and stunning scenery, including the Pafos Castle and the Mediterranean Sea. Whether you’re looking for a personal best time or just a memorable running experience, the Cyprus Marathon is a must-do event.

In addition to the full marathon, the event also offers a half-marathon and a 10K race. This provides options for runners of different abilities, so that everyone can participate in this exciting event.

The Logicom Cyprus Marathon is known for its well-organized and supportive atmosphere, with plenty of aid stations and cheering spectators along the route. The event also offers a post-race party, where runners can celebrate their achievement with music and food.

If you’re looking for a new and exciting marathon experience, consider adding the Cyprus Marathon to your list of races to run. It’s a great opportunity to explore the beautiful island of Cyprus while also challenging yourself as a runner.

What’s included in the entry:

  • Technical Running T-shirt by RONHILL
  • Technical Running Socks by HILLY (for Marathoners)
  • Race Number, Micro-Chip Timing and Pins
  • Draw-string bag and luggage label
  • Ice Power Gel sachets
  • Grenade Oreo Protein Bar
  • Maurten GEL100 (for Marathoners)
  • Lucozade
  • Voucher of 20 euros from 361°
  • Voucher 20% from Holland & Barrett

On the Course:

  • Pacers (for Marathon & Half-Marathon)
  • Fluid Stations every 3km (Water every 3km and Electrolytes & Sponges every 6km)
  • Electronic Split Timing & Photographers
  • Toilet facilities
  • Bananas
  • Maurten GEL100 (for Marathoners)
  • Medical and Ambulance support
  • Live Tracking

At the Finish:

  • Medal for all finishers
  • Trophies for Men’s and Women’s age group winners (except the 5km Fun Run)
  • Water, electrolytes and fruit
  • Beer for all participants
  • Post-race physiotherapy care/advice by Ice Power
  • Bag storage service from DHL (except the 5km Fun Run)
  • Live Results & Photographers

The prices for Marathon are in €65 and for Half Marathon right now are in €50

One important thing to keep in mind when participating in the Cyprus Marathon and Half-Marathon is the weather. The event takes place in March, which can have unpredictable weather. Some years the weather is sunny and warm, but other years it can be rainy and windy. It’s important to check the weather forecast before the race and pack accordingly.

The map of Cyprus Half-marathon

Another important aspect to consider is the terrain of the course. The Cyprus Marathon and Half-Marathon route is known for being challenging due to its hilly terrain. Runners should prepare accordingly and train on hills prior to the race.

Despite the challenging terrain and weather, the Cyprus Marathon and Half-Marathon is a great event for runners looking for a unique and memorable race experience. With stunning scenery and a supportive atmosphere, it’s a race that should be on every runner’s bucket list.

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Completing the Barcelona Half Marathon: Race Review

Last weekend, I ran the Barcelona Half Marathon and it was an amazing experience! The course took us through the beautiful streets of Barcelona, past iconic landmarks and along the Mediterranean Sea. The atmosphere was electric, with thousands of runners from all over the world coming together to challenge themselves and celebrate the love of running.

Medal of Barcelona Half Marathon 2023, Mitja Marato
Medal of Barcelona Half Marathon 2023

The race started at Arc de triomf and took us through some of the most historic and beautiful areas of the city. From there, we ran along the stunning Gran Via, one of Barcelona’s most famous streets lined with shops and cafes. The route also took us past La Sagrada Familia, the famous church designed by Antoni Gaudi, and along the Mediterranean Sea. The scenic views of the city and sea were breathtaking and made the run even more enjoyable. It was especially interesting for me as a local resident to run through the heart of the city and experience it from a different perspective. Running past the iconic Sagrada Familia and the bustling beaches of Barceloneta was truly unforgettable.

I trained for months leading up to the race, and it was all worth it when I crossed the finish line. The feeling of accomplishment and pride was incredible, and the support from the crowd was truly inspiring. The organizers did a fantastic job of putting on a well-organized and safe race, with water stations and medical support available along the route.

The Joma R3000

the Joma R3000 was the perfect shoe for the Barcelona Half Marathon. From the moment I put them on, I could feel the support and comfort they provided. The carbon plate technology in the sole of the shoe gave me the extra push I needed to keep going, especially during the latter stages of the race. The cushioning in the midsole was also top-notch, providing me with a smooth and comfortable ride from start to finish.

The design of the Joma R3000 was also a standout feature for me. The sleek and modern look of the shoe caught the attention of many of my fellow runners, and I received several compliments on the shoes throughout the race. The combination of performance and style made the Joma R3000 the perfect shoe for the Barcelona Half Marathon, and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a new pair of running shoes. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, the Joma R3000 is sure to exceed your expectations.


During the Barcelona Half Marathon, I also used a power meter from Stryd. This device helped me to monitor my running power and pace throughout the race, allowing me to make adjustments on the fly and ensure I was running at my optimal level. The Stryd power meter provides real-time data on my running performance, including my running power, stride length, cadence, and more. This information allowed me to make informed decisions during the race, such as adjusting my pace to conserve energy for the final stretch or pushing harder when I felt good.

Overall, using the Stryd power meter was a game-changer for me during the Barcelona Half Marathon. It gave me a new level of insight into my running performance and allowed me to run more efficiently and effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner, I highly recommend giving the Stryd power meter a try. It will help you to better understand your running performance and make the most of your training and racing.

If you’re a runner, I highly recommend participating in the Barcelona Half Marathon. It’s a great opportunity to challenge yourself and experience one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Whether you’re an experienced runner or a beginner, this race is a must-do for anyone who loves running and adventure.

Overall, running the Barcelona Half Marathon was an unforgettable experience, and I can’t wait to do it again. So, if you’re looking for a new challenge and an opportunity to explore one of the most beautiful cities in the world, I highly recommend checking out the Barcelona Half Marathon. You won’t be disappointed!

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